Television Reporter robot started a job in China, now began to trap the ongoing job of journalists is drying up.
Jiyaoaisa robot named Microsoft the company has to develop for a seasonal information. This robot last Tuesday to the Chinese television has started a job. His performance impressed the viewer to the beginning of the day, it is able to take initiative. The robot also has a job as a television himself, and he is very happy to have my job and I am very happy about the weather reporting.
As a journalism professor, I tell my students that the most important skill a journalist can have is curiosity. Not only about the big stuff – who owns what, why that war started, who's spying on whom – but curiosity about the everyday. What's going on with that couple having the whispered argument? What brought that guy to counting up pennies to buy his pint?

News is what's happening, journalism is what might be happening. The stories that young reporter picked up were sometimes great, sometimes dull and usually needed rewriting. Narrative Science's news-writing algorithm would probably have done a tidier job.
Jiyaoaisa robot named Microsoft the company has to develop for a seasonal information. This robot last Tuesday to the Chinese television has started a job. His performance impressed the viewer to the beginning of the day, it is able to take initiative. The robot also has a job as a television himself, and he is very happy to have my job and I am very happy about the weather reporting.
As a journalism professor, I tell my students that the most important skill a journalist can have is curiosity. Not only about the big stuff – who owns what, why that war started, who's spying on whom – but curiosity about the everyday. What's going on with that couple having the whispered argument? What brought that guy to counting up pennies to buy his pint?

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