Hey guys. Facebook has released new options around Instant Articles that lets publishers monetize their content. For those that utilize a direct sold advertising business, they can now utilize larger and more flexible ad units with an aspect ratio of up to meaning that existing ad campaigns could be recycled into this medium. Additionally, for those publishers leveraging the Facebook Audience Network, the social networking company rolled out its video and carousel ad formats for iOS and Android.
This is a very similar technique to what I explained about viral traffic in posts before, but instead of relying on Adsense or any other network (pop, native, interstitials, etc), Ronald is using Facebook’s network to monetize his fans.
Most people don’t even know Facebook has their own Adsense Alternative, and setting up a site for Facebook is more difficult than setting up an Adsense account. But don’t worry, Ronald went above and below to make sure you understand every step of the process with tons of images.
If you want to learn more about Facebook and monetization check out all the blog posts we have in this category. Cheers.
Facebook Audience Network pays its publishers an eCPM rate based on the countries and also the volume of traffic each publisher gets, but I can certainly tell you that it pays more than any other CPM network I’ve ever worked with. Here is a screen capture of my performance report so that you can know what I am talking about.

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